Analysis and applications. Contributions from young researchers
This workshop aims at bringing together young researchers to discuss frontier topics in mathematical analysis with its applications.
The focus will be on recent results in calculus of variations, partial differential equations, and probability motivated by real-world problems, and the theoretical perspectives stemming from them.
Participation of PhD students and early-career researchers is encouraged.
A relaxed schedule will favour informal discussions among the participants.
Invited speakers: Alessandro Audrito, Riccardo Cristoferi, Sara Daneri, Katie Gittins, Michael Goldman, Flaviana Iurlano, Vladimir Lotoreichnik, Edoardo Mainini.
Registration is free but mandatory for logistic reasons. Please send an email to the organisers (Davide Zucco, Marco Morandotti) if you want to participate to the workshop.
This workshop is partially financed by the INdAM starting grant "Optimal Shapes in Boundary Value Problems".